Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 under 2

That's right folks. We're pregnant!

Yes, again.
Yes, Zeke is only 5 months and I'm about 2 months along.
No, this wasn't exactly planned.
Yes, the will be about 12 months apart.
Yes, I will be a busy mommy.

Ok now that I've answered all the questions I've gotten so for, yes, I am starting to get excited.  This was a bit of a surprise. Sort of.  Right after Zeke was born we talked about when the next one would be.   Joe and I both felt that God was asking us to trust him with the timing of the next one.  So we did.  And we are due mid June :)

I'm a little overwhelmed at the idea.  But I think it's mostly because of the stigma of how hard 2 under 2 is. You'd think I'd have learned not to believe stigmas by now.  I have several friends who have or have had 2 under 2, and all I hear from them is how much they love it.

Well, that's it for now.  I have a little fussy boy who needs to go down for a nap. But here's a picture of my little man from halloween.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

just for kendall

*this is the same post as what is on Facebook*

I feel like this has been a long time coming, but maybe it's right on time. Those that know me know that I'm a pretty positive person.  I even joke that I'm so positive that it shows it my blood type, b+ (get it be possitive :) ).  But there is always been one area that I've had a hard time letting that positivity into. Looking back at my childhood. 
Now I have some very great memories of my childhood, but over all I haven't been able to say I had a good childhood.  It's like oil and water. When there is oil on top of the water it's very hard to get to the water without it being tainted. I'm now learning that it is possible.

I've always had a hard time hearing teachings on honoring your parents. I completely understand the concept, and love to honor my mom (Mama, you are the best! I love you so much! Thanks for always being there for me!). But I have never really figured out how to honor my father.  Most people wouldn't think much of that, or even blame me for not, considering the circumstances.  But it has never sat well with me.  Perhaps it is understanding the process of forgiveness.  To be completely honest there have been times I haven't wanted to even think about honoring him.  But recently, I've been thinking about it.  Not a lot, it's mostly been in the back of my mind.  And I realized something.  For a long time I haven't been able to think of anything positive my father gave me.  I have found one.  A very precious gift/character trait my father gave me.  My heart for social justice.

On one hand, it makes total sense, what I've been through seems to create it.  But on the other hand, how can it be that my father gave that to me.  Keep in mind that, usually, your greatest weakness is your greatest strength turned against you.  It seems odd, but my father had a very big heart for social justice.  I can remember going to protests (at least one) when I was young. I understood unions and that you didn't cross a picket line. That you had to take a stand for what is right.  Even if you are only one of a few, or even the only one, who does. I remember right before we went to the protest asking why we were going. He explained, in a way child would understand, it's because they make kids your age and under work in horrible places for very little money, only pennies.

Those who know me know how giant my justice button is :)  Know how passionate I am about what is right.  I have my father to thank for that.  I've come a very long way in my journey of healing.  Part of me thinks I still have a long way to go.  But maybe I don't, I'll just heal and learn as life goes on.  I realize that my father wasn't the father I needed, and probably will never be.  I'm learning to accept that, it's not an easy thing.  Part of me wants him to be.  But I'm aware that pursuing that would only bring more pain.  So I am still learning how to live life with the father I should have had.  I am still healing from hurts and horrible memories.  But I am learning that there is good in everyone.  Sometimes you just have to work to get through the oil.  And I will honor what God has put in everyone, even when it feels like they don't deserve it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

7 months

Ok, so only one month between posts isn't as bad as almost a year. :)

I am now 7 months pregnant.  29 weeks to be exact.  And it's starting to feel like things are coming together!  We've started setting up the other room for the baby.  I'm not sure how much it will be used since we are planning on having the baby sleep in our room, but the baby's room will be ready.  I think we have all the clothes we will need right away for baby.  Well we have several 0-3 outfits, we are going to have to buy 3-6 months clothes, but hey, we've got 3 months after the baby is born for that.  Right?  We have a *very* small supply of cloth diapers, but will be growing that supply very soon. :)  Yes, you heard right.  We are planning on cloth diapering.  I decided this years ago, probably before I got married.  And believe it or not Joe didn't take much convincing.  We are very excited about how this is better for baby, the environment, and our wallets. :)

"Blueberry" is getting much stronger and bigger.  The other day we decided that hanging out in my ribs and pushing on my lungs would be a fun thing to do.  We did this for over half and hour.  It was not as much fun for me.  Apparently we still have some room to move and kick a BUNCH because that it what we do, all the time.  It's fairly often through out the day that Joe will here me all of the sudden take a quick deep breathe.  Every time he asks me what is wrong and the answer is always the same "Nothing, just baby".  I'm pretty sure soon he will just stop asking and know what is going on.

Last time I talked about how we have lots of decisions ahead of us.  Well in making some of those decisions we know have more decisions to make!  Isn't that just the way it goes.  Soon I will give you all the details of what is going on.

As far as work goes I will *more than likely* not be working.  I may pick up a few shifts here and there, but nothing really set and scheduled.  Other exciting work news is that this week I am switching from working 8 hour work days to 6 hour work days.  I'm hoping this will help me feel less tired at the end of the day and I will be able to get more stuff done around the house.

My newest concern/wonder is how our cats will adapt to having a baby in the house and not being the "babies" anymore.  We are trying to figure out how to prepare them for our new arrival.

I will upload a new picture of me and the baby belly later on today.  Promise :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 24

We have made it to being viable!  Which just means if something wasn't going well with the pregnancy that most hospitals will take every measure to save the baby.  Pretty exciting.

I'm now showing and consistently feeling the baby move.  Move feels like an understatement.  Sometimes it feels like my child is having a dance party in my tummy.  I also had my first good kick in the ribs, you know, the kind that make you take a deep breath and say "ow".  I'm sure there will be many more of those.  Joe is also feeling the baby consistently.  Can I just brag on my hubby for a moment?  He's going to be an amazing dad!  Every morning when he wakes up he tells the baby good morning.  He plays with the baby, well ok, more like my belly.  He sings songs to the baby and tells the baby goodnight.  I can't wait to see him interact with the baby.

We are also hitting the point where we have to start thinking about some big decisions.  Car situation, moving apartments, and working after baby?  Car - We don't use our pick up and it's not a good family car.  And our Acclaim has been great, but is kind of a money pit.  Our credit is shot while we are getting out of debt, so no car loan.  Ha, no loan of any kind.
Apartment - our apartment is on the corner of the building and gets all the sun in the morning and into the afternoon.  Which is nice during the winter, but not fun during a Redding summer.  And it doesn't hold in the A/C very well.  The other thing is that I don't have my own washer and dryer.  So that means we use the coin operated laundry for the apartment.  Which with a newborn and planning on cloth diapering is not going to be fun or inexpensive.
Work - everyones question.  Will I work after the baby is born?  We are trying to figure that out.  Both Joe's and my preference would be that I stay home.  We are currently trying to figure out the financial side of it.  The big question is "Do I make enough to cover child care and still make enough after that to be worth it?".  And if we do go down to one income (and even if we don't) how and where can we cut our expenses?

Lots of things to think about.  I'm not stressing out about it anymore.  I know God has an answer for all of these questions.  My job is not to stress, but to seek Him for the answers.

No stressing.... I can do that.  I keep reminding myself. :)

Let's try this again

As you may notice I haven't blogged in almost a year.  I've posted notes on facebook, but have kind of ignored my blog.  Let's see if we can change that.

Plus I have a little more direction for the blog, as noted by the name change of the blog.  We'll see how it goes.  Keep watching and see what I discover! :)