Thursday, March 5, 2009

Noting in particular

I have discovered that I really need to write more.  Mostly for myself.  I have lots of thoughts that run around in my head.  If I can write (type) them out, they don't crowd my head.  When I have lots of things I want to write it makes my head jumbled and confused.  Which makes me not want to write because it won't make sense.  Which makes my head more crowded.  See what a vicious cycle it is?

I have made a few discoveries about myself lately.  One, that I am not proud of and will be working on is that I am a fairly unmotivated person.  Good revelation to have, not fun to deal with.  I haven't figured out what my plan to deal with this is.  But I am thinking about it.  I'm realizing how many places in my life this trickles into.  It's not a huge issue yet, but I know it's a slippery slope and I want to deal with it NOW.

The second was me needing to write more.  Which is slightly difficult.  I'm not sure anyone is interested in what I have to say.  But for now writing is more for me.  I do want to write a book.  I sort of have 2 in the thinking through stage.

Three.  I want to make my own clothes.  I WANT to be a housewife.  Yes the stereotypical one.  I want to cook, clean, make my own clothes, decorate my beautiful house.  Martha Stewart watch out.  Ha ha.

That's all for now.  Oh I hope to blog more often (if any one cares :) ) Joe is wonderful and gave me a laptop for my birthday. :)

1 comment:

Jenna said...

keep writing Meg! I'll be reading but not commenting because I use an outside program to keep updated on blogs! Love it!